Functional analysis of landscape structure for the design of large economic objects of Kazakhstan


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landscape, urochishe, flow, function, buffer, typicality, diversity, biotope, corridor.


The purpose of the article is to propose a classification of the functions of spatial landscape elements based on the idea of three types of landscape structures. The application of the polystructural approach in the analysis of the territory for the design of large economic facilities is demonstrated. We use the examples of projects of the mountain resort Kok-Zhailau and the BAKAD ring road in the Almaty region and mining production in the Akmola region. Local economic impact is considered as a potential violation of the function of the tract, which ensures the stability of a larger area. In order to correctly select the location of objects, determine the allowable loads and acceptable technologies, it is necessary to evaluate the functions of natural boundaries in three types of landscape structures – geostationary, geocirculation and biocirculation. The functions of each tract in geosystems of different types of higher ranks and sizes should be taken into account when calculating the costs of construction and operation (i.e., to overcome limiting natural factors), including the costs of environmental responsibility. Kok-Zhailau is assessed as a tract with no alternative recreational functions, with high risks of disruption of biotic flows and activation and multidirectional dispersion of unwanted abiotic flows in the case of the construction of a resort. It is preferable to preserve walking and picnic recreation against the background of zonal landscapes. In the construction zone of the BAKAD, the greatest risks are associated with the transformation of water flows and the threat to the buffer functions of phytocenoses. In the Raygorodok area, under conditions of intense agricultural and industrial pressures, the importance of preserving the diversity of key biotopes, ecological corridors and buffer functions of riverine vegetation is increasing.


How to Cite

Khoroshev, A. ., & Sultanova, A. . (2023). Functional analysis of landscape structure for the design of large economic objects of Kazakhstan. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 70(3).