Evaluation of the relief of the North-Kazakhstan region according to the favorableness for the resettlement of the population using GIS technologies



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relief, geomorphological features, GIS, degree of favorable relief conditions


In order to effectively use the potential opportunities of the labor resources of the densely concentrated population in the southern region of the country, resettlement in the northern regions is being considered. It is a necessary and timely measure to give impetus to the development of various economic sectors. Migration of the population under the resettlement program "From South to North" is gaining momentum every year. Measures to resettle the population in the northern region will be useful in solving the demographic problems of the densely populated southern region.

This article considers the current state of the relief of the North Kazakhstan region territory from the position of favorable condition for the settlement of the population. Any geomorphological conditions can be the basis of its habitat, if they meet the requirements for the area (comfort, safety and attractiveness for permanent residence). Comprehensive geomorphological study, coupled with the analysis of digital elevation model, plays a primary role in assessing geomorphological features from the standpoint of favorable conditions for settlement.

Taking into account the obtained parameters of the main indicators characterizing the morphometry of the relief, the degree of favorableness of the relief for the resettlement of the population was calculated using a five-point ranking system: favorable, conditionally favorable, slightly unfavorable, unfavorable and extremely unfavorable. The integral indicator makes it possible to determine the areas of varying degrees of favorability of the relief. It has been determined that more than half of the territory of the North Kazakhstan region has favorable condition for the population living.



How to Cite

Lyy Ю., Khalykov Е., Тоgys М., Sarybayev Е., & Aliken Е. (2023). Evaluation of the relief of the North-Kazakhstan region according to the favorableness for the resettlement of the population using GIS technologies. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 68(1). https://doi.org/10.26577/JGEM.2023.v68.i1.04