Assessment of bioclimatic conditions in West Kazakhstan


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This article provides an assessment of the bioclimatic conditions of the warm and cold periods for 2010-2020 for the territory of West Kazakhstan on the basis of a comprehensive accounting of meteorological parameters. For this assessment, four bioclimatic indices were calculated, such as effective temperature, equivalent-effective temperature, normal equivalent-effective temperature, the Bodman severity index, on the basis of which the level of comfortness of climatic conditions for the population living in the studied territory was evaluated. The calculations used the initial data of daily temperature, relative humidity and wind speed for the main five stations in West Kazakhstan. The importance of this work is to determine the dependence of human health on climatic factors and to study with the help of the found bioclimatic indicators how favorable the climatic conditions of the territory of West Kazakhstan are for human life and recreation. The analysis of the obtained results revealed that in the cold half of the year a moderately severe type of weather conditions prevails, and in the warm period of the year the climate of the studied territory is considered comfortably warm. In general, the climate of West Kazakhstan can be considered comfortable for living, health and work of the population in this region.


How to Cite

Akhmetova, S., & Tursumbayeva М. . (2023). Assessment of bioclimatic conditions in West Kazakhstan. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 69(2).