Analysis of land degradation and vegetation in the Zhezkazgan copper ore region according to the satellite images LANDSAT


  • Г. Г. Орманова Nazarbayev University
  • Jay Sagin Nazarbayev University
  • Р. Т. Бексеитова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Х. М. Касымканова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
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This article encompasses the vital role of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System in assessing the change of vegetation cover in Dzhezkazgan, Central Kazakhstan. The study   site is well-known for copper mining operations which serves as one of the major source of  livelihood among residents situated in the area. However, this manifestation implies with land degradation which is detrimental to vegetation. This research aims to assess quantitatively the ability of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to extract meaningful vegetation abundance information by acquiring satellite images (i.e. Landsat Thematic Mapper™, Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), and Operational Land Imager (OLI)). The NDVI for land cover changes in a copper mining area were analyzed for the five different years – 1976,  1986, 1996, 2006 and 2015. The LANDSAT MSS imagery for 1976 and Landsat Surface Reflectance imagery for the years 1986 and 2015 were used for the study. NDVI differencing is used to come up with land/vegetation cover change detection analysis. The results showed a significant decrease in vegetation due to an increase in the area of mining areas. This study will greatly assist the local executive body, as well as mining organizations, in taking appropriate measures to ensure sustainable development of the region and the environment.


How to Cite

Орманова, Г. Г., Sagin, J., Бексеитова, Р. Т., & Касымканова, Х. М. (2019). Analysis of land degradation and vegetation in the Zhezkazgan copper ore region according to the satellite images LANDSAT. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 48(1), 45–57. Retrieved from