Method of approach in physical geography and its role in studying geosistem’s structure


  • А. К. Уразбаев
  • Б. Тасболат
  • К. Ш. Мұса
        55 34


The study of the system is an expression of the fundamental principle of dialectical materialism of
universal interconnection and interaction of objects and phenomena of nature. Occurrence and formation
of a systematic approach in modern science is related toan objective need for ordering and understanding
of a variety of new evidence on the natural objects, the study of their internal and external communications
in order to syn the size natural representation sabout the environment, about the construction ofa coherent
picture of wildlife and forecasting its development. In physical geography methodological understanding
of the system as integrity, determination and a systematic approach, as a principle of study and research
facilities as system sare common.




How to Cite

Уразбаев, А. К., Тасболат, Б., & Мұса, К. Ш. (2019). Method of approach in physical geography and its role in studying geosistem’s structure. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 39(2), 55–61. Retrieved from



Physical, economic and social geography