Mapping studies of geodynamic processes


  • Р. Т. Бексеитова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • С. Е. Алтынбекова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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There are a number of different ways to study the characteristics of geodynamic processes - types, spatial distribution,
dynamics of manifestation. Among them, the most affordable and at the same time, the most difficult, requiring
good professionalism, is the analysis and comparison of general and thematic maps of various scales. In this article
identification questions endo-and ekzodinamical processes of a morphogenesis as a result of the analysis thematic
(geological, tectonic, geomorphological) and topographic maps are considered.




How to Cite

Бексеитова, Р. Т., & Алтынбекова, С. Е. (2019). Mapping studies of geodynamic processes. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 36(1), 81–84. Retrieved from