Use of social networks for promotion of services in tourism


  • A. С. Тлеповa Narxoz Univesrity
        44 25


Following new technical possibilities, new technological solutions
come to the light, and the only companies, which utilize those innovations,
could have long-term success. In goods and services promotion nowadays
the usage of the social networking’s potential is a new tool. Active audience
of social sites are hundreds of millions, and in some cases more than
a billion people. People meet, communicate, exchange of information, and
are active on the pages, which were created in social networks. The possibility
of such communication in conditions of high employment and a
constant time pressure is maintained appropriate applications, which make
these social networks more available
in smartphones, iPod, etc. The concentration
of audience in online space are displaced the marketing efforts
of companies in this area. Today the tools of so called SMM (social media
marketing) or promotion in social networking
are actively used. The services
in tourism having its specific nature, when the customers are widely
spread around the world, are very adopted for being promoted through
SMM. We still do not have any universal guidance to start SMM-campaign
in the field of tourism, but overview and analysis of expert recommendations
in the field let us define some of the important steps.


