The features of the development of ecological tourism in the east Kazakhstan region


  • A. С. Aкaшевa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • К. Д. Дуйсебaевa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • К. Ш. Орaзымбетовa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • И. Д. Жумaбековa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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The article is devoted to the features of the development of ecological
tourism in the East Kazakhstan Region.
Prerequisites of its development
were formulated in the region, difficulties of the development of
were characterized and possible ways to overcome them were
considered. The current state of touristic
recreational ecological potential
of East Kazakhstan is being analyzed. The basic tendencies of development
of the tourism industry were investigated, that ecotourism can be seen precisely
the balance, which can provide jobs and stable high incomes and
save intact wildlife. In regions such as the East Kazakhstan, ecotourism can
help nature protection, growth of employment and socio-economic development.
The conclusions
about the perspectives of the ecological tourism
in protected areas were made.




How to Cite

Aкaшевa A. С., Дуйсебaевa К. Д., Орaзымбетовa К. Ш., & Жумaбековa И. Д. (2018). The features of the development of ecological tourism in the east Kazakhstan region. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 43(2), 128–137. Retrieved from