Analysis of landscape structure of the steppe zone of the North-Kazakhstan region


  • Г. З. Мaжитовa L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • К. М. Джaнaлеевa L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
        90 444


Principles of formation and functioning of natural systems and features of landscape structure of the
territory of North Kazakhstan region are among the least studied areas in physical-and-geographical researches
of the region. This can be explained by the fact that at the regional level there were no complex
landscape-geographical works held within recent years.
The article shows the results of the landscape structure study of the North Kazakhstan region territory
within the steppe natural zone. Basing on the summary of the collected stock and published literary and
cartographic materials, space images and field survey results we studied the peculiarities of geosystems
formation, structure and territorial distribution. This work was performed through a complex of approaches
including field, landscape-geographical, comparative-geographical and cartographic methods,
system and cross analysis, extrapolation, GIS etc. With the help of GIS we conducted mapping of natural
complexes of the study area and developed an electronic landscape map. The analysis of the created
landscape map allowed us to identify the principles of territorial distribution and relationships of natural
complexes of different taxonomic rank. The results of the study can serve as a basis for preparation of
various derivative electronic maps on a single landscape basis and can be used for further studies of natural
complexes of the region. Understanding the characteristics of formation, functioning and structural
organization of geosystems has important practical value.


How to Cite

Мaжитовa Г. З., & Джaнaлеевa К. М. (2018). Analysis of landscape structure of the steppe zone of the North-Kazakhstan region. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 48(1), 14–21. Retrieved from



Physical, economic and social geography