Recreational potential of the geomorphological systems of Mangystau territory


  • А. Ғ. Көшім Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Р. Т. Бексеитовa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • А. М. Сергеевa Aktubinsk Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov
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A wide range of recreational problems covers various branches of geographic science, including geomorphology, as a scientific direction about the laws of structure, dynamics, evolution of the relief and its functions in various types of economic activities. This largely corresponds to the current trends in the development of geomorphology, which consists in considering the relief from the position of the environment and socio-economic life.

Geomorphological recreational resources are a combination of relief forms that have medical-biological, psychological-aesthetic and other properties and are used to meet the needs of a person in rest and restoration of strength and health.

The relief is the basis of the landscape of any ecosystem, therefore, when assessing the recreational potential, it is necessary to consider the geomorphological features of the territory in order to optimize and expand the zones for this type of activity. Geomorphological resources are irreplaceable natural recreational resources, which have clearly expressed regional and territorial aspects. This article analyzes the geomorphological features of the Mangystau relief and their influence on the prospects of recreational use of the area. The analysis of the geomorphological systems of the region is supplemented with the results of author’s field studies. The presence of possible organization of different types of recreation and tourism, directly related to the geomorphological features of the region, is established.




How to Cite

Көшім, А. Ғ., Бексеитовa Р. Т., & Сергеевa А. М. (2018). Recreational potential of the geomorphological systems of Mangystau territory. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 47(4), 53–61. Retrieved from