Tourist and recreational cartography for tourism development of Talgar region of Almaty Oblast


  • Ә. С. Ақaшевa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • И. Д. Джумaбековa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • С. Ерболқызы Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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The article is devoted to tourist and recreational cartography for the development of tourism of Talgar
district of Almaty region. To consider tourist-recreational cartography and its content and classification.
To give a general description of the physic-geographical conditions to the researching area. Talgar
district of Almaty region’s natural and recreational resources, the study of tourism facilities considering
they are displayed on the map page.
The goal of the work study of the current status and development of tourism in the Talgar district.
Consider the mapping of tourist and recreational resources of Talgar district and the city, based on the
analysis of each tourist site with the help of modern GIS technologies and conditions of use
Research methods. During the study of the work used traditional, cartographic, statistical methods,
also the method that I must underline is geo information cartographic method. Each of the tourist objects
is characterized by individual characteristics, attention is paid to tourist sites, study their characteristics
and learn new tourist facilities. The study developed a map using GIS technology; the map was displayed
in new tourist facilities in the area


How to Cite

Ақaшевa Ә. С., Джумaбековa И. Д., & Ерболқызы, С. (2018). Tourist and recreational cartography for tourism development of Talgar region of Almaty Oblast. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 46(3), 121–137. Retrieved from