Ecological situation and state of health of population of southern aral sea Area


  • С. М. Мaмбетуллaевa Karalpak State University
  • А. К. Курбaниязов International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A.Yasavi
  • С. А. Курбaниязовa International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A.Yasavi
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To the article the estimation of ecological situation of region of Southern Aral Sea Area is driven, and
also the results of cross-correlation analysis are presented between the levels of some parameters of composition
of drinking-water and atmospheric air with general morbidity of adult and child’s population of
Karakalpakstan. The linear trend shows a decrease in the proportion of specific weight of non-standard
samples of tap water by chemical indices. The linear trend of indicators of non-standard samples of tap
water in terms of bacteriological indicators shows a certain stability of the indicators of pollutants.




How to Cite

Мaмбетуллaевa С. М., Курбaниязов А. К., & Курбaниязовa С. А. (2018). Ecological situation and state of health of population of southern aral sea Area. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 46(3), 115–119. Retrieved from