Modern environmental state of soils of akdala massive


  • Г. А. Мұқaновa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Б. А. Мaйлыхaновa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Н. В. Вороновa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • А. К. Тaныбaевa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • А. Т. Үмбетбеков Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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The article discusses the influence of presowing flooding of irrigated rice array on the seasonal dynamics
of soil processes. As well as the characteristic of negative processes and their consequences that
arise after the flooding of rice soils of the array, for example: lack of oxygen, harmful effects of hydrogen
sulfide in the rice culture.
The paper describes the current ecological state takyr soils Akdalaarray degradation and waterlogging
of soils. These processes are consequences of depressed economic conditions and the use of pesticides
and fertilizers in agriculture. In the last desyatiletiya in connection with the deterioration of reclamation
condition of irrigated soils in the arrays significantly decreased the fertility continues dehumification and
ecological condition of soils. In some regions of Kazakhstan, much of the land unusable due to salinity.
Of the above environmental issues affect the reduction of humus, nutrients, physico-chemical and
biological properties of soil, which in turn affects productivity and quality of rice. This article describes
the environmental problems of Kazakhstan soils associated with zatuplenie array. The study of the influence
of presowing flooding of irrigated rice array on the seasonal dynamics of soil processes is very
important for our country.
The analysis of literary sources shows that in the rice areas of the Republic has developed an environmentally
unfavorable situation. This reduces the potential for socio-economic development of the
Republic, particularly, the resource base of the rural economy. In this regard, of particular urgency is
the creation of a scientific and theoretical foundations of the holistic concept of fertility reproduction of
periodically flooded soils.


