Research of the stability of buildings and structures to seismic oscillations in the city of Almaty


  • Н. Бергенева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Д. Даурен Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • А. Исанбекова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        184 200


сейсмичность, безопасность, землетрясения, строительство


In this paper, we estimate the stability of buildings and structures for seismic fluctuations in the
Almaty city, because frequent earthquakes threaten to life and health of population. In conditions of
constant expansion and construction, we always must always worth considering the seismic resistance
of buildings, because threaten to life of population during earthquakes is the basis for the beginning of
erection of structures. To remain unharmed among in the seismic zone. The aim is to study the condition
of buildings in Almaty on characteristics of seismic safety. Objectives of the study:

- study of common types of buildings in Almaty;
- carrying out calculations of the stability of buildings;
We used the method of analysis of the common types of buildings and structures of the city, measuring
their resistance to seismic vibrations. This article shows the calculation of the stability levels of
buildings in different parts of the city to seismic fluctuations. Data are given on the levels of design seismic
resistance of most of the structures, possible indicators of their stability are calculated. As the results
showed, the stability of buildings and structures of the city directly depends on their location on the city
map, which is due to the reduction of seismic activity in the direction from the lower part to the upper
one. According to the conclusion, it is necessary to increase the number of design organizations responsible
for the quality of construction, as well as to use a different structure and approach to the erection of
buildings in different parts of the city.

Author Biographies

Н. Бергенева, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

к.б.н., доцент, тел.: +7 701 729 8418

Д. Даурен, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

магистрант 2 курса, тел.: +7 701 421 0398

А. Исанбекова, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Рh.D, тел.: +7 775 287 6321


How to Cite

Бергенева, Н., Даурен, Д., & Исанбекова, А. (2017). Research of the stability of buildings and structures to seismic oscillations in the city of Almaty. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 45(2), 104–111. Retrieved from