Geochemical state of the right-course of the basin of the river living under the West-Kazakhstan region


  • Н. Рамазанова L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • С. Токсанбаева L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • А. Биназарова L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
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геохимическое состояние, бассейн реки, химические элементы, загрязняющие вещества, пробы воды.


Today, often, problems arise related to environmental pollution. And the pollution of the environment leads to the appearance of toxic substances with toxic elements, called as pollutants of the environment. The cause of these problems is the human impact and its activities aimed at nature, the impact on the river basin, the concentration of chemicals and elements in the water that exceed the maximum permissible concentration level increases. These contaminants are detrimental in the water and lead to various irreversible consequences. Therefore, in order to prevent these problems associated with water
pollution, efforts are being made to solve the problematic issues that have arisen. One of such solutions
can be geochemical analysis of water bodies for regulation and prevention of contamination in a specific
area at the initial stage. The detection of high concentrations of certain chemical elements and the application
of cleaning methods from data polluting the water resources of chemical elements. Such polluting
chemical elements include lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, iron, etc. Therefore, the article shows the
geochemical state of the right bank of the Zhayyk River basin within the Western Kazakhstan region and
the purpose of the article was geochemical analysis of this territory, which was obtained using samples
of natural surface water from fourteen key sites describing the characteristics of chemical compounds in
water bodies and their concentration. According to the studies carried out on the basis of the data of the
testing laboratory, during the work the excess of the maximum permissible concentration on the right
bank of the Zhayik river basin within the Western Kazakhstan region was determined by Ca, Mg, SO4
Mn, Fe, Na and K, chlorides and rigidity.

Author Biographies

Н. Рамазанова, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

PhD доктор, доцент

С. Токсанбаева, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Магистрант 2 курса

А. Биназарова, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Магистрант 1 курса




How to Cite

Рамазанова, Н., Токсанбаева, С., & Биназарова, А. (2017). Geochemical state of the right-course of the basin of the river living under the West-Kazakhstan region. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 45(2), 70–77. Retrieved from