The Assessment of the Natural Tourism and Recreation Resources of SNNP «Buiratau»


  • А. С. Актымбаева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • А. Ж. Сапиева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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природные туристско-рекреaционные ресурсы, ГНПП «Буйрaтaу», нaционaльные пaрки, оценкa, совокупный туристский потенциaл, туристско-рекреaционнaя деятельность.


The development of tourism and recreation activities in Specially Protected Natural Areas is one of the modern trends of world tourism. The State National Natural Park «Buiratau» appeared on the vast expanse of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the 11th of March, 2011 and is a very young and poorly studied nature protection institution. The purpose of our research is the assessment of the natural tourism and recreation resources as one of the factors of development of tourism and recreation activities of SNNP «Buiratau». Methodological basis of the work was the methods of the assessment of Aggregate Tourism Potential. The author of the methods is Stanislav R. Erdavletov. These methods is based on the principle of ball marking. As a result of application of the methodsof the assessment of Aggregate Tourism Potential, an inventory of the natural tourism and recreation resources of SNNP «Buiratau» was conducted, and the position of the investigated national park relative to other State National Natural Parks of the Republic of Kazakhstan was determined.Thus, we defined that the tourist attraction of the natural recreational resources of the State National NaturalPark «Buiratau» is equal to 306 points, which is 304 natural recreational objects including the landscape of the territory of the national park that are important from the point of view of development of tourism and recreation activities.The result of the research is the compilation of the map «The Separation of the Territories of SNNP of Kazakhstan according to the Degree of Tourist Attraction of Natural Landscapes». The research was conducted with a view to further assessing the multiplicative effect of the tourism and recreation activities of the national park «Buiratau».

Author Biographies

А. С. Актымбаева, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

 г.ғ.к., доцент

А. Ж. Сапиева, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

2 курс магистранты


