Assessment impact of the tail-keeper of the Tekeli concentrating combine (TCC) on the environment


  • A. Б. Керимкуловa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        89 91


экология, aуыр метaл, топырaқ, aккумуляция, мигрaция, хaлық денсaулығы.


The present paper deals with the assessing the impact of years of pollution in the territories near the tail-keeper of the Tekeli concentrating combine (TCC). The main factor of the anthropogenic impact on the environment of Tekeli is industrial and agricultural enterprises, in particular Tekeli, the largest lead-zinc combine – now the Tekeli concentrating combine (TCC) of JSC «Kazzinc». One of the main environmental problems of this enterprise for more than 60 years is the tailing pond. Tekeli is a settlement where the impact of lead on the adult population is more pronounced (a large number of cancer diseases, blood diseases, neuropsychiatric diseases), it is also noted that before this expression was not observed, there is an increase in time. This necessitated an assessment of the possible environmental consequences of the production activities of the JSC «Kazzinc». The article is a review of numerous studies on the assessment of major sources of pollution and its aftermath. Surface and underground waters, as well as in the region, a multi-card excess of MAC on heavy metal was found. An analysis of these data made it possible to conclude that the tailing pond remains a source of contamination with heavy metals from adjacent areas, mainly lead, cadmium and zinc.

Author Biography

A. Б. Керимкуловa, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

аға оқытушы




How to Cite

Керимкуловa A. Б. (2017). Assessment impact of the tail-keeper of the Tekeli concentrating combine (TCC) on the environment. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 44(1), 242–249. Retrieved from