Restoration of maximum flow of the rivers of river basin Elek
The article were considered methods of restoration of values of the maximum flow (maximum discharge, Qmax, m3/s) of the spring flood of the river basin Elek. The maximum flow were restored (Qmax, m3/s) depending on values the runoff depth of the spring flood. In turn, the runoff depth of the spring flood (h, mm) were restored depending on annual flow, (Qav, m3/s). Values of the annual flow for years of lack of observations were determined by an analogy method. For the choice of settlement period differential integrated curves were constructed. Graphics of communication have been constructed and correlation coefficients between the runoff depth of the spring flood and the maximum flow were determined. Data the regression equation were provided. Norm of the maximum flow and its coefficients of variability (variation) were counted for the settlement long-term period 1940 – 2012 on 17 gauge stations of the considered basin. Assessment of efficiency reduction by the long-term period norm of the maximum flow and coefficient of variation on the considered rivers was made. The observed and restored data of the maximum flow are used for assessment of water resurs and the maximum flow of considered basin.