Modern methods of the geodetic support at expansion of railways


  • Г. С. Мадимарова Г.С. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Д. Н. Сулейменова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Ш. А. Жантуева Kazakh National Technical University after K.I.Satpaev
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reference point, tacheometer, geodetic survey breakdown, performance of geodetic works, topographical plan, construction grid


This article is devoted to issues of geodetic works’ performance at expansion of the “Kairatkol” station. Based on the obtained topographical plan, the construction network, the scheme of the vertical layout of the construction site, the plan location survey was designed, and the accuracy of geodetic location surveys to this site were examined. The geodetic control at the construction of railway tracks is one of the main and most massive types of engineering and geodetic activities in the course of a construction. The geodetic work shall provide a complete build-up of the construction site, i.e. strict connection of all its parts according to the project. The accuracy of geodetic measurements and their efficiency is increased by the use of satellite methods of measurements along with traditional geodetic devices and methods. The research of the site of engineering geodetic works at construction of a railway station of Kairatkol. The technique of geodetic control and the GPS method – measurements is enhanced. Processing of results of field surveys, it was processed using modern computer programs of CREDO Topoplan and AutoCAD. As a result of performed work, the digital site plan of scale 1:500 was obtained.


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How to Cite

Мадимарова Г.С., Г. С., Сулейменова, Д. Н., & Жантуева, Ш. А. (2017). Modern methods of the geodetic support at expansion of railways. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 43(2). Retrieved from