GIS-modelling of Ukraine-Kazakhstan international relations


  • Д. А. Ляшенко National transport University
        120 40


world economic system, international relations, modeling, GIS technology, thematic mapping .


The article deals with the mapping international flows of materials, energy and information methods using GIS technology. The aims and objectives of the geoinformation modeling of international bilateral relations are determined. The experience of international relations geographical studies and their mapping has made. We consider the themes and structure of the cards of international relations between Ukraine and Kazakhstan: political relations, economic relations, migration links, cultural ties between the two countries. In the article we identify main topics of cartographic studies and key map indicators. Also we defined territorial levels of mapping. Global level requires research on connection between countries and international unions and groups of countries. Regional level of research is aimed on connections between regions of the country with the enterprises of another country. And local level contains links between individual enterprises. The main features and consumers of maps are proposed. The map of international merchandise trade between Ukraine and Kazakhstan is developed. The methods of mapping are proposed. The key features of map databases creation and geoinformation mapping functions are described.


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How to Cite

Ляшенко, Д. А. (2017). GIS-modelling of Ukraine-Kazakhstan international relations. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 43(2). Retrieved from



Physical, economic and social geography