The influence of silicon fertilizers on intensity of growth of rice


  • Ж. Ү. Мaмyтoв Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Т. Р. Oрaзбaeвa Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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In the soils of Kazakhstan for rice cultivation, the total amount of silicates sufficient. However, the overall percentage availability is 0.51-0.55 percent. This
phenomenon is explained by the fact that soil for rice cultivation many years(60 year) washed with water, and silicon is not sufficiently replenished and unilaterally spent. Therefore, this phenomenon is explained by the consumption of silicates in vegetative organs of rice culture. We all know that, the culture of rice is kremniypolimer plant. Therefore, countries in addition to Central Asia and Kazakhstan use in the rice fields of silicate fertilizer. In our country they are not part of fertilizer systems because all the rice fields are located in arid or desert region. And this is due to the fact that the soil is provided with sufficient amounts of silica (SiO2). Many rice growers in the world the lack of silicon in the soil are solved with the help of the same fertilizers. To do this, mostly use slag in a volume of 20 t/ha, which are the waste of metallurgical plants. And for the Republic of Kazakhstan to use such amount of slag is not very profitable. Therefore, the aim of the proposed work: presowing treatment of rice to different concentrations of silicon and to determine the optimal effect on the growth rate of rice.

Author Biographies

Ж. Ү. Мaмyтoв, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

б.ғ.д., профессор 

Т. Р. Oрaзбaeвa, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

2 курс магистранты




How to Cite

Мaмyтoв Ж. Ү., & Oрaзбaeвa Т. Р. (2017). The influence of silicon fertilizers on intensity of growth of rice. Journal of Geography and Environmental Management, 44(1), 12–30. Retrieved from



Physical, economic and social geography